Innovational Technology of Japan

00971-6557-2029 (U.A.E) 00818-2222-1811 (JPN)

Turbine engine compressor has been formulated to be suitable for all industrial applications.
SUN TURBO 2000 is a superior quality, water-based, gas turbine compressor cleaner designed for both ON LINE and OFF LINE applications. It provides extremely high cleaning performance that is comparable to solvent-based products. SUN TURBO 2000 is formulated from a unique blend of non-ionic surfactants and other agents in a biodegradable water-based system. The product has been specially designed to address the types of fouling commonly found in today’s gas turbines, where deposits are typically compact mixtures of various salts with urban and industrial pollutants, hydrocarbons, and other carbonaceous materials. SUN TURBO 2000 is a low-foaming product, and the wash fluid may be used cold or hot. The product can be mixed on site in ration of 1:4 with demineralized water for better performance. SUN TURBO 2000 includes specially selected inhibitors to ensure compatibility with aluminum, magnesium, nickel, nickel-cadmium, stainless steel, titanium and common coatings including painted surfaces and elastomers. SUN TURBO 2000 conforms to GEI41042N (specification) aqueous cleaner concentrates. It also meets the most stringent specification requirements set by the major gas turbine manufacturers. APPLICATION SUN TURBO 2000 is supplied as a concentrate and forms a stable solution when mixed with DEMINERALIZED water.